Social Concerns

1. Christian Outreach and Social Concerns (COSC)
PMC Christian Outreach and Social Concerns seek to demonstrate God's love through loving and meeting the needs of the poor and needy in our community.

We do it through our Partnership & Programme; Providing Financial Aid and Support; and Counselling.
If you would like to become a befriender, please fill this Befriender application form

Types of Partnership & Programme
Tampines Family Service Centre (TFSC)
• School holiday activities for students
• Give talks
• Organise events/Enrichment programme
• Provide Tuition
• Organise quarterly family day

Walk With The Poor (WWTP) programme with MWS
• Befrienders to the people in the WWTP programme. Visitation is done monthly

Prison Ministry
• Be a Volunteer for In-Prison and/or Outside-Prison
• Eg. Bible study, prayer, counselling, aftercare support for ex-inmate

People Helper Ministry
• To provide spiritual and emotional support to the needy

Cerebral Palsy Centre (CPC)
• Partner The Boys’ Brigade 23rd Singapore Company as a volunteer
• Jul and Nov/Dec outings and events

MWS Bursary Award

Types of Financial Aid & Support
- Financial Aids: Agape (loss of income/special needs)
••> Elderly (Aged/Sick)
••> Walk-Ins

- Walk With The Poor (Chronically poor)
- Supported by visitation team / people helpers and befrienders to provide spiritual and emotional support

Types of Counselling
- For those individuals who are struggling with issues and challenges in life, counselling is provided to encourage them with hope, assist them with truth and restore them with love.
We provide counselling in the following areas: family, financial, marriage, parenting and addiction.

2. Family Life
The Family Life ministry firmly believes that healthy family units form a basic environment in which responsible teachings can be imparted, moral values disseminated and, where love is shared and the worth of each person is affirmed.

The following are programmes for Family Life:
- Marriage Preparation Class
- Premarital Counselling for individual couples
- Marriage Enrichment Workshops.
- Parenting Workshops/ Seminars
- Support Group for children of aging parents

The ministry’s long term goal is to raise a WORLD in every PMC family. That is
Worshipping and praying family
Outreaching and witnessing family
Redeeming and caring family
Leadership developing family
Discipling and serving family

For more information, please contact us at