Dalit Empowerment Project

On 19 May 2013 (Pentecost Sunday), PMC launched the Dalit Empowerment Project (DEP) in partnership with OM India to build an English-medium elementary Good Shepherd School (GSS) in Nawapara, Chhattisgarh (Central NE India). The initiative was in response to the Holy Spirit's call for PMC to "extend our tent" and be a blessing to the marginalised, indigenous poor in Asia.

OM India, having established more than 110 GSS throughout India, had acquired 2 acres of land in Nawapara for a new school. The aim is to grow the initial enrolment of 25 students and establish the school as a platform to serve the villages in the surrounding areas, providing care for the suffering, empowering the women through vocational skills training, teaching basic hygiene and providing English education for the children. OM India hopes that a church will be born once a small group of children begin to study there. Read More...


>> PMC Dalit Empowerment Project Journey


>> PMC Mission Trips 2016